Interview on Petition e-4802

I was nervous when CKMS journalist Dan Kellar asked to interview me about my petition to restore UNWRA funding. I’ve never done anything like this before, and am much more comfortable writing than talking. But I ventured outside my comfort zone because this is such an important issue.

Frankly I was afraid to listen to it. I only got up the nerve after my sister-in-law told me how much she enjoyed the interview and appreciated all the information in it. And fortunately it’s not just me! You’ll also get to hear from Mike Morrice and government Minister Melanie Joly.

With a little more than a week to go, as I write, we’re up to 7,300 signatures!

[logo] House of Commons
Chambre des Communes 

Petition e-4802 (Foreign affairs) #UNRWA
Open for signature
February 12, 2024, at 2:03 p.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
March 13, 2024, at 2:03 p.m. (EDT)
Member of Parliament
Mike Morrice
Kitchener Centre
Green Party Caucus

7,300 signatures

Province/ Territory                                               Signatures

Alberta  455

British Columbia  1,242

Manitoba  73

New Brunswick  40

Newfoundland and Labrador  46

Northwest Territories  6

Nova Scotia  185

Nunavut   3

Ontario  4,062

Prince Edward Island  26

Québec  982

Saskatchewan  88

Yukon Territory  6

I very much hope anyone who hasn’t yet will sign e-4802 and share it as widely as possible.

The more signatures this petition receives, the more seriously the Government of Canada will take it, so please keep signing and sharing! 

Thank you for your support!

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