ACTA Truth or Pravda?

mouse ears on the world: text says ACTA ATTACKS INTERNETABC reports that Agreement Reached in Tokyo Anti-Counterfeiting Talks

I tried to comment on the article, but even after jumping through hoops, it wouldn’t let me. If it has to pass a moderator my comment is certainly dead in the water. Which is a good reason to have a blog, so I can comment on articles full of misinformation like this one.

Why shouldn’t Kraft be prevented from calling their product “Parmesan” or have to pay royalties to Parma, Cognac, Roquefort or Champagne for infringing on these legally trademarked names? Isn’t that the point? REAL Parmesan cheese comes from Parma. Kraft’s Parmesan Cheese is COUNTERFEIT. That’s what ACTA is all about… stopping piracy, right?

Isn’t that why they want these laws? So THEY get paid every time. But paying someone else is a problem. They don’t want to have to pay others, I guess they like the RIAA/CRIA music business model where everything possible is done to avoid actually paying the artists.

This dilemma clearly illustrates the slippery slope traveled with the ridiculous changes to copyright, trademark and patent law that are being undertaken at the behest of corporate special interests. If you make laws and treaties to cover this foolishness:

you can’t have it both ways

although it is clear that they are trying to work it that they can have their cake and eat it too.

Ultimately it is consumers/citizens/society that will suffer the price of this corporate greed.

Corporations are changing the rules of ownership. What they are calling piracy is what the world used to know as sharing. They want us to purchase multiple copies of the picture book we read to our children. One for the reader, and one for every child it is read too. And they also want us to have to purchase it over and over again. So next year if we want to read it again we have to buy it again. Then we have to train our children not to memorize the catch phrase or poetry, because if they recite them at the Christmas concert without first having purchased a license they or their church or their school might very well end up in court.

Gone are the days that books can be passed from parent to child to grandchild. The world they want will make each new consumer will have to pay to access the content. Every time. Because they will own all the rights to all the creativity.

Like Parmesan Cheese, all cultural material is built on what came before. Ironically, almost every Disney movie is based on stories taken from the public domain. Yet the public domain is being attacked and eroded by these laws. What will they do when the public domain is gone?

So has ACTA passed?

Not hardly. In fact,

The LA Times says, Global anti-counterfeiting agreement still weeks away

Or this: Danger of international accord on repressive policies in final ACTA talks, says RSF

Because in today’s world, ABC belongs to Disney, so we have to take it with a grain of salt.

Maybe it isn’t even necessary for ACTA to pass. When you control the media, whatever you say is “true”. They used to call that “pravda” back when governments not corporate interests ran countries. That’s why when people used to run the world, the first thing revolutionaries did during a coup was to take over the newspaper or radio station. Control the flow of information.

Today Disney just has to buy the news media. Good for the L.A. Times for actually reporting.

This is why the Internet must stay free. Why Net Neutrality is so very important.

And why Malcolm Gladwell was so very wrong.

4 thoughts on “ACTA Truth or Pravda?

  1. I quite agree. ACTA will and/or may require countries in compliance to install surveillance cameras in private and residential homes around the world to spy on the individual or family determining whether their personal or family activities, infringes copyright. Schools will also be affected, too.

    If a student copies notes off a textbook, that student is violating ACTA. If a child tries to draw a cartoon character or even attempts to draw something original, he/she is violating ACTA. If family member sings a copyrighted lyric in the shower or ever thinks up of his/her own song, is violating ACTA too. In fact, if family members talk about their favorite show at the dinner table, again, they’re violating ACTA.

    Since ACTA has passed, time to boycott all forms of technology and live like the Amish or Puritans.

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