La Quadrature du Net on Censorship

Net Neutrality is necessary to the Internet, for the good of us all. The La Quadrature du Net group continually impresses me with their thoughtfulness, commitment, dedication and focus. [As a mono-lingual Canadian living in a pseudo bi-lingual nation, I find it thrilling to see they operate so beautifully bilingually too!]

the Pi symbol enclosed in a circle on a blue field captioned La Quadrature du net

Internet blocking is a form of unacceptable censorship, and I believe it will do far more harm than good. Censorship inevitably does. But it’s a thorny issue, particularly when it comes done to some heinous perpetrators. It may seem like a good idea, but blocking a domain does not pull the plug, it simply turns out the light. The bad stuff keeps on in the dark. But LaQuadrature Du Net did a much more amazing job explaining the issue than I can, so I share it here:

The letter sent today to LIBE MEPs

Dear MEP,

black and white graphic of a man's face with hands covering his eyes and mouth.
La Quadrature Du Net on Internet Censorship

As the LIBE committee prepares to discuss the Angelilli Report regarding the blocking of child abuse websites, we call on you to go further than the rapporteur and reject any measure instrumentalizing the protection of children in ways that would install a censorship infrastructure on the Internet. Whether it is implemented at the EU or national level, blocking is a false solution to a very serious issue that deserves effective and resolute action:

* Blocking fails to give proper incentives for the removal of content, which is only way to actually tackle sexual abuse of children. As the example of Germany suggests, only measures tackling the problem at its roots (by deleting the incriminated content from the servers; by attacking financial flows) and the reinforcement of the means of police investigators can combat child pornography.
* Blocking is ineffective, since Internet blocking measures can be easily circumvented by people and criminal organisations exploiting child pornographic content.
* The Commission’s proposal ignores the risk of over-blocking – i.e the “collateral censorship” of perfectly lawful websites -, which will appear regardless of the filtering techniques that are chosen at the national level.
* The Commission’s proposal omits to specify that only judicial authorities should be entitled to allow Internet blocking measures to ensure that they are proportionate and respect the fundamental right to freedom of expression. Short of this crucial insurance, core principles of the rule of Law in the European Union will be undermined.
* The Commission’s proposal lacks protection against “mission creep”, i.e the extension of Internet blocking to new fields, such as copyright. Such severe measures could be extended to new fields in the near future, thereby further calling into question Europe’s fight for freedom of expression on the Internet and undermining its moral legitimacy at the international level.

We trust that you will protect the fundamental rights of EU citizens by expressing a clear refusal of filtering and blocking measures. We remain available for any inquiry you may have.


Phone with the circle of EU stars captioned Click to Call Now

La Quadrature du Net, Net Censorship Comes Before the EU Parliament

This letter was written because the issue is coming before the EU parliament. If you live under the jurisdiction of the European Parliament, i can’t ask you strongly enough to visit the La Quadrature du Net site so you can find out what you can do to help prevent bad law but instead work for good.

3 thoughts on “La Quadrature du Net on Censorship

  1. It’s sickening that anyone could be in favour of child abuse!

    …is probably the natural, knee-jerk reaction to a notion like this. And the one any politician who tries to argue for the issue will probably be faced with.


    Although the news isn’t exactly related and the censorship isn’t in any way forced (unless we count greed as a means of forcing someone to do something), did you read that BlackBerries in Indonesia will now filter porn?

    Two cheers for Canada!


  2. […] La Quadrature du Net on Censorship Internet blocking is a form of unacceptable censorship, and I believe it will do far more harm than good. Censorship inevitably does. But it’s a thorny issue, particularly when it comes done to some heinous perpetrators. It may seem like a good idea, but blocking a domain does not pull the plug, it simply turns out the light. […]

  3. Nationalism is dead, and all Nations with Amy potential of any world stature include a variety of ethnicities, cultures, religions, etc..

    In this globalized age, it is clear that there exists people from all over the world having common aspirations of simple yet a modern life that includes freedom, economic independence, and family building. They are a new class of society present in all societies at the moment. They are the educated, mentally free, and they tend to come from all economic backgrounds but more from the middle classes who in the past hundred years have educated their children. The common factor that cements this new group is an existential enlightenment that many consider to be the newest milestone in human evolution. Spirituality that is free and Not dogmatic is emerging along with the pleasure of simple active living(being). This class represents Man’s latest comprehension of his essential nature that has started to change his view of society as well. This is fuel that will change the world and might lead to an attempt for a utopian socialism where economic inequalities are addressed by corporations giving more stocks to employees making them real partners in the production process. As long as things remain “natural”, and not imposed. Let evolution lead the way.

    The World generates 58 trillion usd per year clearly showing the effects of wealth distribution and greed. Divide that on the 6 billion people on the planet and no more hunger, but that’s not really fair as people are not equal in productivity and effort so something in between needs to be applied.

    I think men and women from this new class will easily identify one another and will work together globally for a sustainable future which we Definitely don’t have at the moment. All this free information has made some people wise enough to realize that the current “rat race” is not sustainable and unstable and these “wise guys and girls” will start change.

    This topic includes economics, politics, sociology, history, philosophy, and psychology; and I hope we can discuss each aspect in future discussions about making the world better.

    Brotherly regards
    Ahmad Makki

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