Winston Churchill on Proportional Representation

"Having to choose, as we shall have to choose if we are to redress the constitutional injustice between the Alternative Vote, the Second Ballot and Proportional Representation in the cities, I have no doubt whatever that the last is incomparably the fairest, the most scientific and, on the whole, the best in the public interest.” Winston Churchill, 2nd June, 1931
a horizontal border of red graphic maple leaves
Image Credit:
This lovely photograph of young Winston Churchill is in the Public Domain

In Plain text:
“Having to choose, as we shall have to choose if we are to redress the constitutional injustice between the Alternative Vote, the Second Ballot and Proportional Representation in the cities, I have no doubt whatever that the last is incomparably the fairest, the most scientific and, on the whole, the best in the public interest.”
— Winston Churchill, 2nd June, 1931

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